Demise of Nations: Wallpapers for Home and Lock Screens

Looking for a cool wallpaper for your smartphone? Look no further, we have create a nice wallpaper that can be used for both the lock as well as home screen. ...
ALPHA RELEASE: Demise of Nations -- Grand Strategy Wargame

Demise of Nations has been released for ALPHA testing today (version 0.8.302a, February 1, 2014). Demise of Nations is a turn-based strategy wargame during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. ...
OPEN SOURCED: Noble Avatar Generator

We are getting a lot of requests for using the Noble Avatar generator. We decided to finally open source it. Download information is below. ...
Strategy Game Bundle: Strategieboxxx CD-ROM

Not too long ago we were contacted by Immanitas, a German game distributor. They are now the official distributor of the boxed version for our games. ...
ANNOUNCEMENT: Demise of Nations - Grand Strategy Wargame

After throwing around a few ideas internally last year, Noble Master Games have decided to develop a hexagon turn-based strategy game. ...
PRESS RELEASE: Desert Stormfront -- Real-Time Strategy

Noble Master releases Desert Stormfront, a real-time strategy game inspired by the turn-based "Classic Empire" wargame by Walter Bright. ...
ABANDONED: tiicoon -- Multiplayer City Simulation

Although tiicoon (pronounced: /taɪˈkuːn/) is currently abandoned, we figured it would be nice to create a trailer. ...
ISO 4217 Currency List:
We weren't able to find a good currency implementation over enums in Java, so here is our own. The table contains all the currencies of ISO 4217 as of November 1, 2012. ...